
“Students are extremely well supported by staff and their peers. Pastoral and academic support is exceptional. Staff help students to achieve high grades and produce work to a consistently high standard.” (Ofsted, 2020)

Senior Tutors

As soon as you enrol at 天美传媒 College, you will be assigned a Senior Tutor. They will be a constant figure of support throughout your studies.

You will meet with them on a weekly basis in Tutorials and Progress Hours. Tutorials are timetabled sessions where you will find out important information throughout your college experience. As well as educating you and supporting you across a range of areas, they will also provide guidance and support when deciding on your next steps after college (university, apprenticeships or employment). If you require extra support in your studies, you may be required to attend Progress Hour which will assist you in achieving above and beyond your expected target grades. They are invaluable figures of guidance, informing you about the latest opportunities that are available to you in college and further afield. 

Our Senior Tutors are located in Tutor Base off the main corridor and while studying at Ashton you are more than welcome to contact them when and if you need to. They are able to provide you with constant support and the most up-to-date information. Senior Tutors are also key in referring you to other areas of support, if required, and are able to set up meetings and introductions with Careers, Counselling, Inclusive Learning and more. 

Inclusive Learning

Our experienced and professional Inclusive Learning (IL) team provide specialist support if you have specific learning needs. The breadth of their support is extensive, from learning difficulties to accessibility, and so much more. Every student’s needs are different and IL ensure that support is there for anyone who may need it.

The Inclusive Learning Team will liaise closely with schools, external agencies, college teachers and senior tutors to ensure that all are working together to meet your needs.

IL support students with an Education, Health and Care Plan: starting with transition, removing barriers to learning and planning appropriate support, ensuring an inclusive approach.

Inclusive Learning help students who have:

  • Specific Learning Differences
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Social and emotional difficulties
  • A Hearing Impairment
  • A Visual Impairment
  • Physical and/or Medical Conditions

Inclusive Learning will also support any students who are having problems with:

  • Planning and Organisation
  • SPaG
  • Study skills and revision techniques
  • Writing skills and proofreading
  • Preparing for exams
  • Functional literacy and numeracy

Inclusive Learning are based in the GH building, just behind the library. You can contact them at inclusivelearning@asfc.ac.uk

"Students, including those who need extra help, benefit from a highly inclusive learning environment. They know what they want to do next and receive the support they need to achieve it. Students achieve their qualifications and make well informed and aspirational decisions about their next steps." (Ofsted, 2020)

"Staff accurately identify and meet the support needs of students with high needs . As a result, students develop their independence over time, which improves their life chances." (Ofsted, 2020)


Our on-site counsellors are available to listen and provide a confidential service for those with personal or emotional problems. Students may meet with their counsellor regularly or when needed. The support they provided is personal and suited to the individual who requires it.

There are many ways a student can see the College Counsellor including a referral from your Senior Tutor, by contacting the Counsellors directly, or by filling out a counselling slip outside the Counselling Office.

Claire Shaw and Anna Fletcher are the current College Counsellors, based in Student Services on the ground floor of the main building. We provide a Counselling service from Monday-Friday during.

For any useful Mental Health or Health contact information, please click here.

Multi-faith Chaplaincy

For people of all faiths and none. The Chaplaincy and the Peace Garden were designed by students for your benefit. Whether you wish to pray, light a candle or take a moment, the chaplaincy door is always open. Throughout the year, the Chaplaincy welcomes people of many religions and those of no religion. Students and staff visit the Chaplaincy on both a regular and ad-hoc basis. The Chaplaincy is responsible for many community events and leads Remembrance services throughout the year, as well as services of reflection. 

The Chaplaincy is co-ordinated by Revd Canon Jean Hurlston, the first woman to become Dean of Oldham.

Financial support is available to some students who study at Ashton. The College Bursary supports 16-19 year olds who have financial struggles by providing weekly payments. Students must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible to receive the College Bursary. More information on bursaries and eligibility can be found at  Once a student is eligible, they must continue to meet various criteria during their studies relating to attendance and punctuality. 

Ray O'Neill, the Bursary Co-ordinator, is situated in Student Services in the Main Building and can be contacted via email at ray.oneill@asfc.ac.uk


College is a time where you will be making important decisions about your future. Our dedicated Careers Advisers can provide you with the support and guidance to make informed choices. From CV help to UCAS applications to interview preparation, our careers advisers are here to answer your questions and help you understand your options. You can make an appointment to visit the Careers department at the Student Services Reception. You can also drop in to the Careers Department, just off the main corridor of the main building, or email them at careers@asfc.ac.uk

Alongside one to one advice, you will also have a comprehensive programme of opportunities to support your employability and progression. This will be a core part of your tutorial programme, curriculum and extra-curricular activities. The college has a dedicated Guidance Team who work with a range of partners to make sure our students leave Ashton with the skills, experience and knowledge they need to excel in their chosen field. You can view our Careers Education, Information and Guidance policy, programme and strategy here. For more information, please contact Hazel Kindley, our Careers Leader.

"Managers, teachers and staff provide students with highly effective and impartial careers information, advice and guidance before and during their programmes. This enables students to make well-informed and aspirational decisions about their future."

Careers Guidance

Our professional team of Learning Assistants are based across the Library, IT Centre and ST1.1. They offer help and guidance throughout our IT and Learning Resource areas. Whether you want to take out a book, find an online resource or need to print something, the Learning Assistants are situated in our Learning Zones to help you!

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